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19833 Ergebnisse

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    Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Inhalt Leopoldina aktuell 01/2010 Halle (Saale), 12. Februar 2010 Editorial ............................................................................................................................................................ 2 Berichte – Reports…

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    G8 sollen sich für Antibiotika und Nachhaltigkeit stark machen G-Science-Akademien richten Empfehlungen an Gipfel in Lough Erne / Kampf gegen resistente Erreger ist wichtige Aufgabe Gemeinsam mit den nationalen Wissen- schaftsakademien der G8-Staaten und fünf weiteren Wissenschaftsakademien hat die Leopoldina Empfehlungen für den G8-Gipfel erarbeitet. Die Stellung- nahmen wurden den beteiligten…

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    Homeopathic products and practices | September 2017 | 1 Homeopathic products and practices: assessing the evidence and ensuring consistency in regulating medical claims in the EU Summary EASAC, the European Academies’ Science Advisory Council, is publishing this Statement to build on recent work by its member academies to reinforce criticism of the health and scientific claims made for homeopathic…

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    Forest Bioenergy, CCS, and CO2 removal | February 2019 | 1 Forest bioenergy, carbon capture and storage, and carbon dioxide removal: an update Summary As global emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) continue to exceed levels compatible with achieving Paris Agreement targets, attention has been focusing on the role of bioenergy as a ‘renewable’ energy source and its potential for removing CO2 from the…

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    Smart Villages Initiative | June 2018 | 1 Findings and recommendations from the Smart Villages Initiative 2014–2017 Summary for the European Development Community 1 Introduction This summary of key findings and recommendations of the Smart Villages Initiative over the period 2014–2017 is intended to inform policy-makers and development organisations in the European Union concerned with rural…

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    Extreme Weather Events | March 2018 | 1 Extreme weather events in Europe Preparing for climate change adaptation: an update on EASAC’s 2013 study 1. Introduction EASAC report number 22 (EASAC, 2013) examined trends in extreme weather within Europe. That report was published because, from an economic perspective, risks are not just through the change in the mean of climate variables such as…

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    Traditional Chinese Medicine | November 2019 | 1 The recent proposed revision by the World Health Organization (WHO) of the International Classification of Diseases coding tool (ICD-11)1 brings some important reforms for medical practice, for example for the classification of mental health disorders (Anon 2019a). However, the revision of ICD-11 also brings a major problem in adding a chapter on…

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    InterAcademy Council Implementing a New Global Partnership for Post-2015 United Nations Goals Communiqué by IAP, IAC and IAMP Co-Chairs We, the Co-Chairs of the IAP-The Global Network of Science Academies, the IAMP-The InterAcademy Medical Panel, and the IAC-The InterAcademy Council, wish to express our appreciation of the May 2013 report to the United Nations entitled A New Global Partnership:…

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    Crossing Boundaries in Science The Mystery of Risks – How Can Science Help Reconcile Perception and Assessment? Documentation of the conference held by the Joint Committee on the Handling of Security-Relevant Research 4–6 July 2019 Potsdam, Germany Crossing Boundaries in Science The Mystery of Risks – How Can Science Help Reconcile Perception and Assessment? Documentation of the conference held by…

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    N AL N F Su pp le m en tu m 3 7 F es tk ol lo q u iu m a n lä ss li ch d es 1 0 0 . G eb u rt st ag es v on P ro f. H ei n z B et h ge ISSN: 0369-4771 ISBN: 978-3-8047-4108-9 Neue Folge | Supplementum Nummer 37 Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina – Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften, Halle (Saale) 2020 Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart Festkolloquium anlässlich des 100.…
