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            IMPULS      acatech – Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften  Projektbüro Markgrafenstraße 22 ∙ 10117 Berlin  Energiesysteme der Zukunft Geschäftsstelle  Wege zu einem integrierten Energiesystem – was jetzt geschehen muss  Deutschland kann bis zum Jahr 2050 treibhausgasneutral werden. Dafür braucht es innovative und effiziente  Technologien  sowie  wirkungsvolle  Rahmenbedingungen …

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    Leopoldina German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina 04|2012Halle, 13 December 2012 Dear members and friends of the Leopoldina, we are coming towards the end of another busy and successful year. The German National Aca- demy of Sciences Leopoldina has commented on important issues, such as demographic change and the trans- formation of Germany’s energy system. The Leopoldina has used its…

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    2 Energiesysteme der Zukunft 1 Ein effizientes und effektives Marktde- sign für die Energiewende Deutschland steht vor großen klimapolitischen Heraus- forderungen. Die Treibhausgasemissionen sind in den letzten Jahren kaum gesunken, die klimapolitischen Ziele der Bundesregierung für das Jahr 2020 werden klar ver- feht und das pespektivisch angestrebte Ziel einer treib- hausgasneutralen Wirtschaft…

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    3rd Ad-hoc Statement: Coronavirus Pandemic – Sustainable Ways to Overcome the Crisis 13 April 2020 - 1 - Contents Summary and recommendations .................................................................................................................. 2 1. Introduction…

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    G8 should put its weight behind research for new antibiotics Fight against resistant pathogens is crucial / G-Science-Academies send recommendations to G8 summit in Lough Erne The Leopoldina has drawn up a series of recommendations for the G8 summit in partnership with the national science academies of the G8 member states and five other science academies. The acade- mies’ statements will be…

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    1 / 3 Ad-hoc-Statement, 21 March 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic in Germany: Challenges and Options for Intervention Measures taken by the German Federal Government and the German Federal States (Länder) to curb the ongoing coronavirus pandemic are urgently required at present and correspond to the threat posed by the pandemic. They consist of three elements: (1) containment of the epidemic, (2)…

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    04|2013Halle, 4 December 2013 Dear Members and Friends of the Leopoldina, In the run-up to the German general election, all the political parties acknowledged the need to make education and research an even higher priority. The discussions about the future of the scientific system started quite some time ago, and included input from the Leopoldina. It is now time for decisions to be made. The…

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    Genome-edited plants in the EU | March 2020 | 1 The regulation of genome-edited plants in the European Union EASAC commentary on the statement by the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, the Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities, and the German Research Foundation Introduction to new plant breeding techniques Agriculture continues to face major challenges to deliver…

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    1 / 7 4th Ad-hoc-Statement, 27 May 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic: Medical Care and Patient-Oriented Research in an Adaptive Healthcare System Preliminary remarks The actors of the healthcare system have reacted with flexibility to every outbreak during the coronavirus pandemic. As a result of the measures taken, Germany has managed the situation relatively well so far in international comparison. In…

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    1 / 3 Ad-hoc-Statement, 3 April 2020 2nd Ad-hoc-Statement: Coronavirus Pandemic – Measures Relevant to Health The German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina has put forward a set of recommendations for the containment of the Coronavirus pandemic in its statement “The Corona Pandemic in Germany: Challenges and Options for Interventions”, published on 21 March 2020.1 These measures focus on the…
