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19833 Ergebnisse

  • Veranstaltungen

    Mittwoch, 27 Oktober 2010

    Halle (Saale)

    New Developments in Infectious Diseases

    Festsymposium zu Ehren von Leopoldina-Altpräsident Prof. Dr. Volker ter Meulen <strong>Veranstaltungsort:<br /></strong>Aula des Löwengebäudes der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg<br />Universitätsplatz<br />06108 Halle (Saale)<br /><br /><strong>Festvortrag:<br /></strong>Prof. Dr. Hans Dieter Klenk ML, Marburg<br /><em>Influenzaviren auf dem Weg vom Tier zum Menschen<br /></em><br…

  • Veranstaltungen

    Dienstag, 12. bis Donnerstag, 14. April 2011


    FEMS-Leopoldina-Symposium “Emerging Topics in Microbial Pathogenesis”

    Wissenschaftliche Vorbereitung: Thomas Rudel, Matthias Frosch, Jörg Vogel (Würzburg, Germany), Eliora Z. Ron, Yair Aharonowitz (Tel Aviv, Israel)<br /><br />The focus of the Symposium will be on cutting-edge themes in molecular and cellular pathogenesis, and infection and immunity. These will include presentations on the application of newest technologies in infection research like intra-vital…

  • Veranstaltungen

    Montag, 09. bis Donnerstag, 12. Mai 2011

    Max-Planck-Institut für Evolutionsbiologie, August-Thienemann-Straße 2, 24306 Plön

    International Workshop "Physicochemical fundamentals of DNA hybridizations on surfaces as applied to microarrays and bead-based sequencing technologies"

    Wissenschaftliche Vorbereitung: Diethard Tautz ML (Plön) Many fields of biological science depend upon accurate identification and quantification of nucleic acid targets because these targets indirectly reflect the state of a biological system. Oligonucleotide microarrays were once thought to be the big hope for the high-throughput identification and quantification of nucleic acids. At that time,…
