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Leopoldina-Symposium "Aetiology and sequelae of periodontal diseases"

Datum: Freitag, 17. September 2010
Ort: Königswinter

Wissenschaftliche Vorbereitung: Søren Jepsen ML (Bonn)

The Clinical Research Unit 208 “Aetiology and Sequelae of Periodontal Diseases ‐ Genetic, Cell Biological and Biomechanical Aspects” kindly invites you to the International Symposium in Bonn. The major goal of the Clinical Research Unit 208 is to improve the prevention, disease control and therapy of periodontitis through a better understanding of the causes and effects of periodontal diseases and the regenerative processes in the involved tissues. The scientists of the Clinical Research Unit, which are from the Dept. of Periodontology, Operative and Preventive Dentistry, the Dept. of Orthodontics, the Section of Oral Technology, the Dept. of Dermatology and Allergy, and the Dept. of Internal Medicine II, Cardiology, Pneumology, and Angiology (all from University of Bonn), the Institute for Clinical Molecular Biology and the 1st Dept. of General Internal Medicine of the University Hospital Schleswig‐Holstein (University of Kiel), and the Institute of Computational Science (University of Lugano) will present their most recent research findings. In addition, highly reputated researchers from Sweden, The Netherlands, Greece, Spain, Finland, and Germany will provide you with excellent overviews on the current knowledge in various fields of periodontology, orthodontics, biomechanics, genetics, immunology, and infection.