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Genomics of convergence

Mehr zu 'Genomics of convergence'

A symposium of DFG, Hector Fellow Academy and Leopoldina

Datum: Mittwoch, 1. bis Sonntag, 5. Juni 2022
Ort: Hotel St. Elisabeth Allensbach, Konradistraße 1, 78476 Allensbach

This symposium plans to bring to Konstanz leading international researchers from abroad and from Germany, Switzerland and Austria who have conducted research on the issue of convergent evolution to explain repeatedly evolved similarities in species and parallel evolved adaptations at the genetic and genomic level.

During this symposium the focus will be on modern genomic approaches in addressing the following observation: evolution occasionally repeats itself. This is termed convergent evolution and was already known to Charles Darwin. Only recently, however, has it become possible, in a small number of ecological model systems (Heliconius butterflies,  stick insects, stickleback and cichlid fish, etc.), to identify the evolutionary histories, genes, and even genomic (or mutational) changes, which underlie repeated parallel speciation of similar species and the iterative evolution of convergent adaptations. The recent revolution in next-generation long-read DNA-sequencing techniques has propelled the fields of comparative genomics and evolutionary biology and made it now possible to find genes that led to genome-wide patterns of differentiation during the repeated origin of similar species as well as to investigate the genetic/genomic basis of parallel evolved adaptations (i.e. convergent evolution).

The symposium is co-sponsored by the Leopoldina.

Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung

Die Veranstaltung richtet sich an ein Fachpublikum. Das Symposium wird auf Englisch gehalten. Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei. Um eine Anmeldung bis zum 30. April 2022 wird an die untenstehende E-Mail-Adresse gebeten.


Amaia Epalza
Lehrstuhl für Zoologie und Evolutionsbiologie
E-Mail: amaia.epalza@uni-konstanz.de
Tel.: +49 (0)7531 88 3069
