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Science-Business-Dialogue Conference

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Conference organised by the Academy of Science of South Africa and the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina

Datum: Montag, 5. bis Mittwoch, 7. Dezember 2016
Uhrzeit: 19:00 bis 17:00
Ort: CSIR International Convention Centre, Meiring Naude Road 1, 0001 Pretoria, South Africa

“How can we strengthen and improve the dialogue between science and business in Africa?” - This is the central question which will be covered in the Science-Business-Dialogue Conference from 5-7 December 2016 in Pretoria, South Africa.

The conference will have a focus on the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region and explore various topics in the area of Science-Business Dialogue. These include: early stakeholder involvement; international perspectives on science-business linkages; intellectual property rights and technology transfer; and youth and gender perspective on science-business dialogue and innovation. The two organisers, the Academy of Science of South Africa and the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, are anticipating the participation of 100 delegates, representing science, business and policy, especially from the SADC region but also from other African regions and from Europe.

The Science-Business-Dialogue Conference is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Further Information and Registration

The conference is addressed to representatives of science, business, policy and society especially from SADC region but also from other countries. Attendance possible by invitation only. Interested persons with in-depth experience in science-business-dialogue may get in touch with the organisers.

