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    3rd Ad-hoc Statement: Coronavirus Pandemic – Sustainable Ways to Overcome the Crisis 13 April 2020 - 1 - Contents Summary and recommendations .................................................................................................................. 2 1. Introduction…

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    1 / 3 Ad-hoc-Statement, 21 March 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic in Germany: Challenges and Options for Intervention Measures taken by the German Federal Government and the German Federal States (Länder) to curb the ongoing coronavirus pandemic are urgently required at present and correspond to the threat posed by the pandemic. They consist of three elements: (1) containment of the epidemic, (2)…

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    Genome-edited plants in the EU | March 2020 | 1 The regulation of genome-edited plants in the European Union EASAC commentary on the statement by the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, the Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities, and the German Research Foundation Introduction to new plant breeding techniques Agriculture continues to face major challenges to deliver…

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    4. November 2019 Kommentar zum Klimaschutzpaket der Bundesregierung Vorbemerkung Deutschland hat im Pariser Klimaabkommen verbindlich akzeptiert, sein System der Energieversor- gung und -nutzung perspektivisch so umzustellen, dass es auf fossile Energieträger nahezu vollständig verzichtet. Dabei gilt es zunächst, die von der Bundesregierung bis zum Jahr 2030 eingegangenen eu- ropäischen…

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    1 / 3 Ad-hoc-Statement, 3 April 2020 2nd Ad-hoc-Statement: Coronavirus Pandemic – Measures Relevant to Health The German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina has put forward a set of recommendations for the containment of the Coronavirus pandemic in its statement “The Corona Pandemic in Germany: Challenges and Options for Interventions”, published on 21 March 2020.1 These measures focus on the…

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    1 Statement on the health co-benefits of policies to tackle climate change Climate change poses a significant threat to human health. This threat can be decreased by mitigating its causes, particularly by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and adapting to its impacts. There is concern that measures to mitigate climate change will be socially and economically demanding. However, a growing body of…

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    1 A Net Zero Climate-Resilient Future: Science, technology and the solutions for change The climate crisis and what needs to be done Climate change is a real and rapidly increasing danger to people and the planet. The world is already experiencing the impacts of a dangerous rise in global temperatures, with significant effects on ecosystems, socio-economic systems, and human welfare. Science tells…

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    The European Union (EU) has established challenging targets for making a transition to a sustainable energy system in Europe, including that the EU’s electricity supply should achieve essentially zero emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050. Similarly, countries in the Middle East and North Africa (the MENA region) are aiming to develop their economies, pointing to the need for the associated…

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    Ein interdisziplinäres Online-Journal im Open Access für lebendige wissenschaftliche Diskussionen NAL-live Die 1652 gegründete Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leo- poldina ist mit ihren rund 1.600 Mitgliedern aus nahezu allen Wissenschaftsbereichen eine klassische Gelehrtengesellschaft. Sie wurde 2008 zur Nationalen Akademie der Wissenschaften Deutschlands ernannt. In dieser Funktion hat sie…

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    NAL-live Concept for editorial management and running of NAL-live as of 8 April 2019 Concept for editorial management and running of NAL-live NAL-live builds on Nova Acta Leopoldina, which has the tradition of being the oldest uninterrupted scientific publication in the world, with its roots going back to 1652. The journal is now being transformed into a peer-reviewed open access journal published…
