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8335 Ergebnisse

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    Ad-hoc-Stellungnahme – Juni 2020 Energiewende 2030: Europas Weg zur Klimaneutralität Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina acatech – Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften Union der deutschen Akademien der Wissenschaften 2 Vorbemerkungen Deutschland hat im Rahmen der EU-Ratspräsidentschaft die Chance, einen neuen Aufbruch der europäischen Klimapolitik einzuleiten. Die völlige…

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    SCIENCE POLICY REPORT • NOVEMBER 2014 Water in Urban Regions: Building Future Knowledge to Integrate Land Use, Ecosystem Services and Human Health Imprint Publishers Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina e.V. Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina Jägerberg 1 06108 Halle (Saale), Germany Academia Brasileira de Ciências (ABC) Brazilian Academy…

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    Academy of Science of South Africa Brazilian Academy of Sciences German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina U.S. National Academy of Medicine U.S. National Academy of Sciences  A Science-Policy Initiative Academy of Science of South Africa Brazilian Academy of Sciences German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina U.S. National Academy of Medicine U.S. National Academy of Sciences  A…

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    Joint Statement on the Energy Transition in France and Germany by the Four Academies Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina acatech - Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften Académie des Sciences Académie des Technologies 24 June 2015       Executive  Summary   A  source  of  welfare,  health,  social  and  economic  development,  energy  is  essential  to  human  life.  Meeting  …

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    Background The Secretary-General of the United Nations has mandated an Independent Group of Scientists (IGS) to draft the qua drennial Global Sustainable Development Report 2019 and provide scientific guidance on the state of global sustainable development. In collaboration with the IGS, the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina organized a symposium entitled “Brain Power for Sustainable…

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    Arbeitsübersetzung Erklärung der drei Nationalen Akademien der Wissenschaften Académie des sciences, Leopoldina und Royal Society zu wissenschaftlichen Publikationen Einleitung Die wachsende Flut von Veröffentlichungen wird für Wissenschaftler, deren Zeit zum Lesen begrenzt ist, zunehmend zur Belastung. In den vergangenen drei Jahrzehnten ist eine Überzahl neuer Fachzeitschriften entstanden.…

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    1 / 3 JOINT COMMUNIQUÉ Forum Future Europe · Raising Inclusion and Performance of European Research and Innovation Berlin · 1 March 2019 Mission: Europe as a Global Leader By 2050, the EU should be the strongest community worldwide, united in prosperity, freedom and peace, and the global leader in education, research, innovation, quality and ethical standards. PREFACE We, the representatives of…

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    1 October 27, 2017 Statement by three national academies (Académie des Sciences, Leopoldina and Royal Society) on good practice in the evaluation of researchers and research programmes 1. Introduction The large increase in the size of the international scientific community, coupled with the desire to ensure the appropriate and efficient use of the substantial funding devoted to supporting…

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    Having deliberated on the sustainable use of abandoned mines in the SADC Region the conference delegates conclude the following: • In view of the future expansion of mining for sustaining a growing and rapidly urbanizing world population with its ever increasing use of mineral resources, new ways need to be found to avoid adverse ecological and economic impacts which are still all too often…

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    Consolidation of science and research collaborations between the United Kingdom and the other European countries At a moment where the futures of Europe and of the United Kingdom are subject to considerable uncertainty, the three Academies of sciences of Germany, France and United Kingdom, namely the Leopoldina, the French Academy of sciences and the Royal Society, are reaffirming their confidence…
