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Leopoldina news 05/2010



Content: Paper on genetic diagnostics examines the future of medicine - Academies’ recommendation met with a vigorous response and caused lively discussion on its presentation to the public in Berlin

  • “The Leopoldina will become the arbitrative authority” - The laying of the foundation stone for the future main building of the Academy took place on 9 November in Halle – Federal Minister of Education and Research Annette Schavan paid tribute to the role of the National Academy
  • Honorary membership for Volker ter Meulen - The Leopoldina’s former President received the Academy’s highest tribute at a symposium held in his honour
  • Policy consultancy: seven steering panels are formed
  • Biennial Conference Erlangen - Senate elects two Vice-Presidents and other members of the Leopoldina Presidium - Christian Kubisch receives the Leopoldina Early Career Award - Genetics and Neurobiology of Mental Retardation. International conference in Erlangen brings geneticists and neurobiologists together to discuss genetic bases and neurobiological processes
  • “We are entering the Age of Genetic Medicine” - Statement makes clear the impact of technological advancement on society
  • Leopoldina participates in the STS Forum in Kyoto - Research, innovation and ethical questions were the focus of the international meeting in Japan
  • Leopoldina President speaks with France’s Académie des Sciences
  • Seminar Series in German-Brazilian Year of Science - Scientists discuss global challenges in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo
  • Molecular-biological characterisation of microbes - Joint meeting of Leopoldina and Robert Koch Institute focused on the latest research findings for pathogen typing
  • A unified theory of everything - International conference on Quantum Field Theory and Gravity in Regensburg
  • Human rights in science - Participants in the Leopoldina symposium in Berlin discussed the significance of human rights for the freedom of science, and violations of human rights
  • Hans-Peter Zenner becomes new Chairman of the Human Rights Committee


Daniela Weber

Editor Newsletter and Project Manager, Science Course for Journalists

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