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Leopoldina news 04/2012



Content: Annual assembly focuses on global change

  • Communicating risks: Statement of the Leopoldina and the French Académie des sciences
  • The statement critical of bioenergy under discussion - A panel discussion giving voice to the different viewpoints that have arisen in response to the publication of Leopoldina´s recommendations was held in Berlin
  • Active aging benefits society - German-Japanese Symposium on Positive Aging in Tokyo
  • STS Forum in Kyoto – “Science and technology in society”
  • Sustainable energy for Africa - Participation in the German-South African Year of Science: A workshop on “Technological innovations for a low carbon society“, held in Pretoria


Daniela Weber

Editor Newsletter and Project Manager, Science Course for Journalists

Phone 0345 47 239 - 801
Fax 0345 47 239 - 809
E-Mail presse(at)leopoldina.org