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Leopoldina news 04/2010



Content: Millions towards the new Leopoldina headquarters

  • Visit by Princess Sirindhorn - The heir to the Thai throne learned about science and policy consultancy at the Leopoldina
  • IPCC review delivered to UN Secretary-General - The InterAcademy Council committee calls for the Panel to be restructured
  • German Federal President Wulff takes on patronage
  • G8 countries donate five billion dollars to Africa
  • Exhibition shows “New Images of Age and Aging“ - Photographers focused on the work of the Academy‘s group “Aging in Germany“
  • Academy portrait collection digitalised
  • First parliamentary evening on EASAC in Berlin
  • New Council members elected at the EASAC meeting in Budapest
  • Delegation of the Leopoldina visited the Polish Academy of Sciences
  • The Leopoldina advises Namibia on setting up an Academy of Sciences- A workshop with the African delegations took place in July in Halle
  • Cracking the code to the genetic causes of neuropsychiatric disorders, step by step - Scientists discussed the latest results at the Leopoldina symposium in Bonn
  • The neuroscience of the honeybee - The international symposium “Honeybee Neuroscience” in Berlin shed light on the present state of development, focussing on the future prospects of this science


Daniela Weber

Editor Newsletter and Project Manager, Science Course for Journalists

Phone 0345 47 239 - 801
Fax 0345 47 239 - 809
E-Mail presse(at)leopoldina.org