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News | Friday, 2 June 2023

New issue of the Leopoldina newsletter

New issue of the Leopoldina newsletter

The new issue of the Leopoldina Newsletter has been published. This time with a review of the pan-African-German workshop on "Infectious Diseases beyond COVID-19". In an interview, Leopoldina Vice President Robert Schlögl and Veronika Grimm talk about the key ideas for the transformation of the energy system. Also: At the Science7 Summit, the science academies prede their statements for the G7 summit to Japan's prime minister.


Everyone agrees that the COVID-19 pandemic is not the last one of its kind. Therefore, we need to make sure we learn the right lessons so that we can achieve more integrated pandemic preparedness. On the other hand, the focus on COVID-19 has also meant that there has been a reduction in the disease control measures for HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria – and thus a significant increase in the number of infections and deaths from these diseases. More on Page 9

At the beginning of March the Leopoldina focus group “Climate and Energy” published the discussion paper “Key ideas for transforming the energy system”. Leopoldina Vice-President Robert Schlögl and Veronika Grimm, Member of the German Council of Economic Experts, discuss the response and the purpose of policy advice. More on Pages 4 and 5

At the Science7 Summit in Tokyo, Japan on 7 and 8 March, G7 Academies presented three joint statements to the Japanese Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida. The recommendations for the G7 summit of Heads of State and Government in Hiroshima, Japan on 19 to 21 May focus on multiple crises, health of an ageing society and ocean biodiversity. Leopoldina was represented by its President Gerald Haug. More on Page 6