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News | Thursday, 7 April 2022

Science academies prepare statements for the G7 summit in June

Science academies prepare statements for the G7 summit in June

The science academies of the G7 states – under the leadership of the Leopoldina – prepared science-based statements on topics for this year's G7 summit at a meeting in Halle (Saale) from 4 to 5 April. The joint recommendations will be handed over to the German Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz at the Science 7 Dialogue Forum in Berlin on 31 May.

Thematic priorities of the statements are the impact of climate change on polar regions and ocean, measures for decarbonisation, the development of antiviral drugs for pandemic preparedness and the need for a One Health approach to zoonotic diseases and antimicrobial resistance.

The science academies of the G7 states have been contributing their scientific expertise to the preparation of the G7 summits for more than 15 years. In each case, the respective science academy of the host state takes the lead – and thus the Leopoldina in 2022 during the German G7 presidency. The Leopoldina last had this role in 2015. This year's summit of the heads of state and government of the G7 states will take place from 26 to 28 June at Schloss Elmau.

Articles on the topic

Leopoldina members Antje Boetius and Thomas Mettenleiter on the topics for this year's summit:
Interview in Leopoldina news 01/2022