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  • Image: Pixabay / iXimus

    News | Friday, 13 March 2020

    Leopoldina on the Coronavirus Pandemic

    The coronavirus pandemic presents a very dynamic development affecting all levels of society. The objective is to counter the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the resulting respiratory disease COVID-19 in Germany in the best possible ...

  • Photo: Markus Scholz for the Leopoldina

    News | Monday, 2 March 2020

    Climate researcher Gerald Haug took office as President of the Leopoldina

    Climate researcher Gerald Haug took office as President of the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina on March 1, 2020. Haug, who is elected for a five-year term, succeeds the microbiologist Jörg Hacker. Pursuant to the statutes, ...

  • Photo: Markus Scholz for the Leopoldina

    News | Thursday, 20 February 2020

    Climate researcher Gerald Haug to head up the Leopoldina

    At the event to celebrate the change in office in Halle (Saale), microbiologist Jörg Hacker handed the chain of office belonging to the President of the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina to climate researcher Gerald Haug. Gerald ...

  • Picture: Markus Scholz for the Leopoldina

    News | Wednesday, 11 December 2019

    Gerald Haug elected President of the Leopoldina

    Gerald Haug is the new president of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina. He was elected in a secret written vote taken by the Leopoldina Senate. On 1 March 2020 this renowned climatologist will take over the position ...

  • Illustration: Sarah Katharina Heuzeroth, Hamburg

    News | Tuesday, 19 May 2020

    Traces under Water: Endangered cultural heritage on the seafloor

    In many regions of the world, the seafloor contains a fascinating archive of human history. This also applies to the North Sea and Baltic Sea. The German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina has released the discussion paper “Traces ...

  • Picture: Sisters of Design

    News | Wednesday, 4 December 2019

    Academies of sciences and DFG call for new genetic engineering legislation

    In July 2018, the European Court of Justice ruled that the legal regulations for genetically modified organisms (GMOs) apply to all organisms which have been altered using genome editing methods such as CRISPR-Cas. This makes it difficult ...

  • Photo: David Ausserhofer for the Leopoldina

    News | Friday, 8 November 2019

    Nobel Prize Laureates discuss the topic of health

    How can we ensure a healthy life and responsible healthcare for all? How will climate change affect our health? Could changes to working conditions reduce inequalities in life expectancy? These are just some of the questions that will ...

  • Photo: Gunter Binsack

    News | Thursday, 10 October 2019

    “We mourn for the victims of the attack in Halle”

    The National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina was deeply shocked and saddened to hear the news of the attack on the synagogue of Halle’s Jewish community and on a nearby kebab shop, in which two people were killed and several others ...

  • Photo: Adobe Stock / Sunny Forest

    News| Friday, 8 November 2019

    Leopoldina calls for climate protection measures

    The only way to achieve the goal of limiting global warming caused by human activity to less than two degrees Celsius is to adhere to national and international agreements such as the Paris Agreement without delay. On 23 July, the ...

  • Thomas Krieg | Photo: Markus Scholz for the Leopoldina

    News | Tursday, 19 September 2019

    Thomas Krieg is Vice President of the Leopoldina

    In its session on 19 September, the Senate elected physician Prof. Dr. Thomas Krieg (Cologne) as the newest Vice resident of the Leopoldina. The dermatologist succeeds Prof. Dr. Martin Lohse, who has completed his two terms in office. ...

  • Photo: Markus Scholz für die Leopoldina

    News | Saturday, 21 September 2019

    Time in Nature and Culture – Annual Assembly 2019

    The Leopoldina is dedicating its Annual Assembly 2019 to the topic of “Time in Nature and Culture”. From 20 to 21 September, scientists will come together in Halle (Saale) to discuss technological developments and societal change. ...

  • Illustration: Alliance of Science Organisations

    News | Wednesday, 25 September 2019

    70 Years of the Basic Law: Ten Principles for Freedom of Science

    To mark the 70th anniversary of the German constitution ‒ known as the Basic Law ‒ the Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany has drafted a Memorandum which spells out a voluntary commitment in the form of Ten Principles ...

  • Image: Académie des Sciences

    News | Monday, 6 May 2019

    Science Academies adress G7 countries with statements

    In preparation for the 45th G7 Summit, to be held in Biarritz from 24 to 26 August 2019, the science academies of the member countries have submitted three joint statements to their respective governments to alert them to what they ...

  • Photo: Markus Scholz for the Leopoldina

    News | Thursday, 11 July 2019

    The new members of Class III received their membership certificates

    On Wednesday 10 and Thursday 11 July 2019, the members of Class III – Medicine met for their annual scientific symposium at the Leopoldina in Halle (Saale). After certificates had been presented to the new members, Prof. Dr. Anca-Ligia ...

  • Photo: Fotolia

    News | Wednesday, 3. July 2019

    Increasing trust in vaccinations and building immunity together

    Vaccinations are the best way to avoid contracting serious infectious diseases. Most people very much trust in the safety and effectiveness of vaccinations. Only a small minority choose not to have some or all of the vaccinations available, ...

  • Illustration: Sisters of Design

    News | Tuesday, 25 June 2019

    The role of science in the perception and assessment of risks

    The international conference “The mystery of risks - How can science help reconcile perception and assessment?” from Thursday, 4th to Saturday, 6th of July in Potsdam will focus on the role of science in perception, assessment ...

  • Image: Lamm & Kirch

    News | Wednesday, 19 June 2019

    Academies stress need for global action on harmful air pollution

    The National Academies of Sciences and Medicine from South Africa, Brazil, Germany, and the United States of America are calling for a new global compact to improve collaboration on the growing problem of harmful air pollution, and ...

  • Picture:  Maxim / stock.adobe.com

    News | Tuesday, 11 June 2019

    National Academies hand over science-policy statement on air pollution and health

    Clean air is as vital to life on earth as clean water. Currently, air pollution is estimated to contribute to several million premature deaths each year across the world. In light of the urgency of this crisis, five National Academies ...

  • Photo: Markus Scholz for the Leopoldina

    News | Tuesday, 28 May 2019

    The new members of Class II received their membership certificates

    On Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 May 2019, the members of Class II – Life Sciences met for their annual scientific symposium at the Leopoldina in Halle (Saale). After certificates had been presented to the new members, Prof. Dr. May-Britt ...

  • Foto: Briefmarken der UdSSR-Post und der Deutschen Bundespost zu Alexander von Humboldts (Wikimedia Commons / Notafly / NobbiP)

    News | Wednesday, 24 April 2019

    Do we need a Humboldtian esprit in order to understand the world properly?

    Alexander von Humboldt’s influence on philosophy and science was enormous. His extensive research trips provided insights into some of the world’s most unknown regions. The expedition in the Russian Empire took him in 1829 from ...

  • Photo: Markus Scholz for the Leopoldina

    News | Friday, 22 March 2019

    The new members of Class I received their membership certificates

    On Wednesday 20 and Thursday 21 March, the members of Class I – Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Engineering met for their annual scientific symposium at the Leopoldina in Halle (Saale). After certificates had been presented to ...

  • Photo: Académie des Sciences

    News | Tuesday, 26 March 2019

    G7 agenda – science academies target priority issues

    From 24 to 26 March 2019, the French Académie des Sciences was hosting representatives of the G7 science academies in Paris ahead of the G7 summit, to be held in Biarritz (France) from 25 to 27 August 2019.

  • Illustration: Lucian Brujan/Leopoldina

    News | Tuesday, 12 March 2019

    Forum Future Europe: New Measures for the Future of the EU

    Scientists from the new EU Member States (EU13) agreed at the “Forum Future Europe” in Berlin to redefine the contribution of education, research and innovation to the advancement of Europe. The meeting took place at the invitation ...

  • Protecting the oceans: recommendations for the G20 summit

    News | Wednesday, 6 March 2019

    Protecting the oceans: recommendations for the G20 summit

    Representatives from the national academies of sciences of the G20 countries handed over recommendations to the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe today in Tokyo, Japan, for later consultation at this year’s G20 summit. The statement ...

  • © Delphotostock - stock.adobe.com

    News | Wednesday, 23 January 2019

    How can we deal with migration today?

    How can we deal with migration to Germany today? What responsibilities should we assign to our state and society regarding migrants not protected under the refugee convention? This topic will be discussed by a joint Symposium of the ...

  • Leopoldina-President Jörg Hacker congratulates Leopoldina member Tasuku Honjo on winning the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

    News| Monday, 1 October 2018

    Leopoldina-President Jörg Hacker congratulates Leopoldina member Tasuku Honjo on winning the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

    The physician and immunologist Professor Dr Tasuku Honjo, a member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, has been awarded this year's Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Honjo, who conducts research at Kyoto University ...

  • A hub for dialogue between the scientific community and society – 10 Years National Academy of Sciences

    News | Monday, 24 September 2018

    A hub for dialogue between the scientific community and society – 10 Years National Academy of Sciences

    Since being named German National Academy of Sciences ten years ago, the Leopoldina has evolved into a hub for dialogue between the scientific community and society as a whole. This special edition of the newsletter gives an insight ...

  • Photo: Markus Scholz for the Leopoldina

    News | Saturday, 22 September 2018

    Nature – Science – Society. Annual Assembly 2018

    In its role as German National Academy of Sciences, the Leopoldina has been advising politicians and society on key future issues for ten years. In this anniversary year, the Leopoldina Annual Assembly, which started yesterday, is ...

  • Photo: jim - Fotolia.com

    News | Wednesday, 05 September 2018

    Data Science versus Motion Intelligence

    There are today computers able to compete with humans in games like chess and Go or to recognize a person in the image of a crowd. There is no machine able to perform simple tasks of everyday life like opening a bottle of wine. A joint ...

  • Certificate of appointment 2008. Photo: Jens Schlüter for the Leopoldina

    News | Wednesday, 11 July 2018

    Ten years of science based policy advice

    On 14 July 2008 the Leopoldina was designated as the German National Academy of Sciences by the Joint Science Conference of the German federal and state governments. Since then it has worked together with the Union of German Academies ...

  • Alliance of Science Organisations welcomes European Open Science Cloud

    News | Wednesday, 18 April 2018

    Alliance of Science Organisations welcomes European Open Science Cloud

    The Alliance of Science Organisations generally welcomes the Commission's initiative and sees potential positive effects of an EOSC. For example, it can promote knowledge-based processes and stimulate innovation, improve the security ...

  • Foto: K.Thalhofer - fotolia

    News | Wednesday, 23 May 2018

    Leopoldina-Expert-Group calls for stricter approval procedures for plant protection products

    A number of chemical plant protection products, also known as pesticides, show harmful effects on ecosystems and biodiversity in their current use. Besides climate change, changes in global nutrient cycles and habitat destruction through ...

  • Science Academies adress G7 countries with statements

    News | Thursday, 17 Mai 2018

    Science Academies adress G7 countries with statements

    The global Arctic is being profoundly transformed by climate change, with implications on terrestrial and marine ecosystems, affecting those who live on and from them. At the same time, the promises and challenges of the digital revolution ...

  • Alliance of Science Organisations welcomes European Open Science Cloud

    News | Wednesday, 18 April 2018

    Alliance of Science Organisations welcomes European Open Science Cloud

    The Alliance of Science Organisations generally welcomes the Commission's initiative and sees potential positive effects of an EOSC. For example, it can promote knowledge-based processes and stimulate innovation, improve the security ...

  • Alliance sees open access to digital sequence information at risks

    News | Friday, 9 Februar 2018

    Alliance sees open access to digital sequence information at risks

    The Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany strongly cautions against expanding the scope of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Nagoya Protocol to include digital sequence information. Such an expansion would have ...

  • 10 Years National Academy of Sciences

    News | Monday, 29 January 2018

    10 Years National Academy of Sciences

    In 2018, the Leopoldina is in its tenth year of being German National Academy of Sciences. Ten years ago, the academy took over the task as scientific advisor of politics and society. Together with other Science Academies, it displays ...

  • title photo: Thomas Meinicke

    News | Thursday, 8 February 2018

    Leopoldina-Newsletter: Ramification of mines, career paths of young African scientists and 10 years National Academy

    The annual event of the Friends of the Leopoldina Academy, South Africa and Germany pooling their expertise on ramifications of mining, and the Global Young researching on interdisciplinary cooperation and structural freedom: These ...

  • Statement on good practice in evaluation of research

    News | Tuesday, 12 December 2017

    Statement on good practice in evaluation of research

    The large increase in the size of the international scientific community, coupled with the desire to ensure the appropriate and efficient use of the substantial funding devoted to supporting scientific research, have understandably ...

  • Bild: Vege

    News | Monday, 25 September 2017

    Human rights and the Arctic

    The rights of the indigenous peoples, preconditions of scientific research in the Arctic, and the human rights perspectives in research and utilization of natural resources – these are the topics of the symposium “Human Rights ...

  • Leopoldina Annual Assembly focuses on genome editing issues

    News | Friday, 22 September 2017

    Leopoldina Annual Assembly focuses on genome editing issues

    The German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina today opened its 2017 Annual Assembly in Halle (Saale), with this year’s theme being “Genome Editing – Challenges for the Future”. The event sees distinguished international ...

  • Western Balkans Conference initiates new international institution to support junior scientists

    News | Thursday, 20 Juli 2017

    Western Balkans Conference initiates new international institution to support junior scientists

    Following the recommendation of the “Joint Science Conference”, which was jointly organised by the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina and the French Académie des sciences, the Heads of State and Government decided ...

  • photo: ChiccoDodiFC - Fotolia

    News | Wednesday, 28 June 2017

    How do we want to live tomorrow? Scientists publish report about water supply in urban regions

    More than half of humanity already lives in cities and urban areas. The sustainable use of water resources in urban regions is essential in order to ensure a livable environment for future generations. That is the conclusion of 26 ...

  • photo: University Library Leuven, destroyed. University Archive, KU Leuven

    News | Tuesday, 6 June 2017

    European Academies in World War I

    During 1914 and 1925, the academies played multiple roles, ranging from the resistance against German occupants to the development of technologies for military and medical use. How did they influence the mobilization for war? In which ...

  • Illustration: www.g7italy.it

    News | Wednesday, 3 May 2017

    Science Academies hand over statements to governments in preparation of G7 summit

    The science academies of the G7 states, among them the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, handed over three joint statements to the Italian government today in Rome. The documents were developed at this year’s conference ...

  • IAP scientists met at the Leopoldina. Image: Markus Scholz for the Leopoldina

    News | Wednesday, 05 April 2017

    Academies discuss Food and Nutrition Security and Agriculture

    How do we ensure that all people, everywhere, have access to an adequate diet that fulfils all their nutrition requirements? How do we, at the same time, promote sustainable agriculture and minimise impacts on the environment? To answer ...

  • Illustration: Sisters of Design

    News | Wednesday, 29 March 2017

    Genome editing in human cells

    New techniques in molecular biology that enable targeted interventions in the genome are opening up promising new possibilities for research and application. The ethical and legal ramifications of these methods, known as “genome ...

  • Handover of the Statement. Image: Markus Scholz for the Leopoldina

    News | Wednesday, 22 March 2017

    Improving Global Health: Statement for the G20 Summit handed over to Angela Merkel

    At today’s dialogue forum at the German National Academy of Science Leopoldina in Halle (Saale), Germany, the science academies of the G20 states handed over recommendations to Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel. The document is published ...

  • Global Health: G20-Science Academies hand over recommendations to Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel

    News | Tuesday, 07 March 2017

    Global Health: G20-Science Academies hand over recommendations to Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel

    Communicable diseases and noncommunicable diseases continue to burden all nations and require urgent action. In preparation of the G20 Summit 2017 in Hamburg, the science academies of the G20 countries developed recommendations to ...

  • Science is international

    News | Friday, 03 February 2017

    Science is international

    German Scientific Organizations are extremely concerned about the executive order signed by the President of the United States this past Friday. The generation of scientific insights is contingent upon discourse that is forthright, ...

  • Academies release guidelines on good science publishing

    News | Tuesday, 13 December 2016

    Academies release guidelines on good science publishing

    The number of scientific publications is increasing constantly. Researchers have to stay current with ever more new scientific literature and have to visibly publish their own findings. At the same time, it is become increasing difficult, ...




Julia Klabuhn

Acting Head of the Department Press and Public Relations

Phone 0345 - 47 239 - 800
Fax 0345 - 47 239 - 809
E-Mail presse(at)leopoldina.org