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  • Photo: 2018 IIT

    News | Thursday, 1. September 2022

    Materials scientist Francesca Santoro receives the Leopoldina Early Career Award 2022

    The Leopoldina Early Career Award 2022, donated by the Commerzbank Foundation and valued at 30,000 euros, has been awarded to materials scientist and biomedical engineer Prof. Dr. Francesca Santoro. With this prize, the German National ...

  • Image: Sisters of Design

    News | Tuesday, 26 July 2022

    Leopoldina recommends establishing Earth System Science in Germany

    In order to understand the Earth as one system and find effective solutions for global challenges, German Geosciences need to be modernised with Earth System Science as the future operating framework. This is the recommendation made ...

  • Image: Maxim Grebeshkov / Adobe Stock

    News | Wednesday, 20 July 2022

    Leopoldina supports scientists from Ukraine

    Scientists, research institutions and universities have been severely affected by the illegal Russian war against Ukraine. Thousands of scientists have fled the country, mainly to Poland, Germany and overseas. Many have been mobilised ...

  • Image: William Bateson via Wikimedia Commons

    News | Thursday, 7 July 2022

    Leopoldina celebratory symposium on the 200th birthday of Gregor Mendel

    The Mendelian rules of inheritance, named after the Augustinian monk Gregor Mendel, are the foundation of modern genetics. His experiments with crossing peas in the Brno monastery garden have been the subject of many schoolbooks and ...

  • Photo: Maxim Grebeshkov / Adobe Stock

    News | Monday, 13 June 2022

    Leopoldina and other academies support Ukrainian researchers

    Ukrainian scientists will receive increased support in the future to continue their research despite the impact of the ongoing invasion by Russian forces. At a meeting in Warsaw, a 10-point plan was developed for this purpose, which ...

  • New issue of the Leopoldina newsletter

    News | Friday, 10 June 2022

    New issue of the Leopoldina newsletter

    The new issue of the Leopoldina Newsletter has been published. This time with a review of the Science7 Dialogue Forum, where the G7 science academies published four statements on the G7 summit. Also: On the occasion of the Ukraine ...

  • Photo: David Ausserhofer for the Leopoldina

    News | Tuesday, 31 May 2022

    Science academies publish statements ahead of the G7 summit

    The science academies of the G7 states are calling for urgent international action to protect the ocean and polar regions and to accelerate decarbonisation. In the healthcare sector, scientists demand increased global pandemic preparedness ...

  • Science academies present statements for G7 summit

    News | Tuesday, 17 May 2022

    Science academies present statements for G7 summit

    At the Science7 Dialogue Forum in Berlin/Germany on Tuesday, 31 May, the science academies of the G7 states will publish science-based statements on topics on this year's agenda of the G7 summit at Schloss Elmau/Germany. Key topics ...

  • Science academies prepare statements for the G7 summit in June

    News | Thursday, 7 April 2022

    Science academies prepare statements for the G7 summit in June

    The science academies of the G7 states – under the leadership of the Leopoldina – prepared science-based statements on topics for this year's G7 summit at a meeting in Halle (Saale) from 4 to 5 April. The joint recommendations ...

  • Photo: Adobe Stock/Maxim Grebechkov

    News | Wednesday, 2 March 2022

    Statement by the G7 science academies on Russia's attack on Ukraine

    The science academies of the G7 countries have published a joint statement on Russia's attack on Ukraine. The science academies have been accompanying the annual meetings of the G7 countries for more than fifteen years. In the run-up ...




Julia Klabuhn

Acting Head of the Department Press and Public Relations

Phone 0345 - 47 239 - 800
Fax 0345 - 47 239 - 809
E-Mail presse(at)leopoldina.org