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  • Monday, 22. July 2024

    Virchow Prize for Johan Rockström

    Johan Rockström is a member of the Leopoldina since 2020 in the section Earth Sciences.

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  • Tuesday, 16. July 2024

    Europäischer Erfinderpreis 2024 für Cordelia Schmid

    Cordelia Schmid is a member of the Leopoldina since 2017 in the section Informatics.

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  • Friday, 05. July 2024

    Erin Schuman awarded the Körber European Science Prize

    Erin Schuman is a member of the Leopoldina since 2017 in the section Biochemistry and Biophysics.

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  • Monday, 24. June 2024

    Frank Bradke erhält Akademiepreis der BBAW

    Frank Bradke is a member of the Leopoldina since 2014 in the section Neurosciences.

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  • Monday, 24. June 2024

    Don Zagier erhält Gumin Preis für Mathematik 2024

    Don Zagier is a member of the Leopoldina since 1998 in the section Mathematik.

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  • Tuesday, 28. May 2024

    Berliner Wissenschaftspreis für Artemis Alexiadou

    Artemis Alexiadou is a member of the Leopoldina since 2014 in the section Cultural Sciences.

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  • Tuesday, 16. April 2024

    Matthias Kleiner mit hohem japanischem Orden geehrt

    Matthias Kleiner is a member of the Leopoldina since 2006 in the section Engineering Sciences.

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  • Wednesday, 17. April 2024

    Ulrike von Luxburg erhält Communicator-Preis 2024

    Ulrike von Luxburg is a member of the Leopoldina since 2020 in the section Informatics.

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  • Monday, 18. March 2024

    Michael Frese erhält Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research

    Michael Frese is a member of the Leopoldina since 2013 in the section Psychology and Cognitive Sciences.

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  • Thursday, 29. February 2024

    Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement for Johan Rockström

    Johan Rockström is a member of the Leopoldina since 2020 in the section Earth Sciences.

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  • Thursday, 29. February 2024

    Dieter Langewiesche mit Lion-Feuchtwanger-Preis 2024 geehrt

    Dieter Langewiesche is a member of the Leopoldina since 2010 in the section Cultural Sciences.

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  • Monday, 05. February 2024

    Hector Wissenschaftspreis für Magdalena Götz

    Magdalena Götz is a member of the Leopoldina since 2007 in the section Human Genetics and Molecular Medicine.

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  • Monday, 05. February 2024

    Klaus-Robert Müller erhält den Hector Wissenschaftspreis

    Klaus-Robert Müller is a member of the Leopoldina since 2012 in the section Informatics.

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  • Friday, 02. February 2024

    Bundesverdienstkreuz 1. Klasse für Hans-Christian Pape

    Hans-Christian Pape is a member of the Leopoldina since 2003 in the section Neurosciences.

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  • Monday, 15. January 2024

    Bundesverdienstkreuz 1. Klasse für Thomas Mettenleiter

    Thomas C. Mettenleiter is a member of the Leopoldina since 2000 in the section Veterinary Medicine.

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  • HPI, Digital Health Cluster, Prof. Lothar Heinz Wieler

    Friday, 12. January 2024

    Lothar H. Wieler mit Bundesverdienstkreuz 1. Klasse geehrt

    Lothar Heinz Wieler is a member of the Leopoldina since 2010 in the section Global Health.

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  • Wednesday, 20. December 2023

    Stuart Parkin mit Charles-Stark-Draper-Preis und APS Medal ausgezeichnet

    Stuart Parkin is a member of the Leopoldina since 2015 in the section Physics.

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  • Monday, 18. December 2023

    Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Preis für Tobias J. Erb

    Tobias J. Erb is a member of the Leopoldina since 2023 in the section Microbiology and Immunology.

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  • Tuesday, 12. December 2023

    Rohini Kuner mit Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Preis ausgezeichnet

    Rohini Kuner is a member of the Leopoldina since 2019 in the section Physiologie und Pharmakologie/Toxikologie.

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  • Tuesday, 12. December 2023

    Peter R. Schreiner mit Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Preis geehrt

    Peter R. Schreiner is a member of the Leopoldina since 2013 in the section Chemistry.

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  • Tuesday, 12. December 2023

    Eva Viehmann erhält Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Preis

    Eva Viehmann is a member of the Leopoldina since 2021 in the section Mathematik.

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  • Wednesday, 15. November 2023

    Familie-Hansen-Preis 2023 geht an Claudia Höbartner

    Claudia Höbartner is a member of the Leopoldina since 2022 in the section Biochemistry and Biophysics.

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  • Tuesday, 14. November 2023

    Tanja Fehm mit Preis der Klüh Stiftung ausgezeichnet

    Tanja Fehm is a member of the Leopoldina since 2020 in the section Gynäkologie und Pädiatrie.

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  • Friday, 03. November 2023

    Patrick Cramer mit Shaw Prize ausgezeichnet

    Patrick Cramer is a member of the Leopoldina since 2009 in the section Biochemistry and Biophysics.

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  • Thursday, 26. October 2023

    Matthias Tschöp mit dem Heinrich-Wieland-Preis ausgezeichnet

    Matthias Tschöp is a member of the Leopoldina since 2013 in the section Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences.

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  • Wednesday, 18. October 2023

    Max-Planck-Humboldt-Forschungspreis geht an Rotem Sorek

    Rotem Sorek is a member of the Leopoldina since 2022 in the section Genetics/Molecular Biology and Cell Biology.

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  • Tuesday, 10. October 2023

    Thomas G. Schulze wird Präsident der World Psychiatric Association

    Thomas G. Schulze is a member of the Leopoldina since 2021 in the section Neurosciences.

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  • Tuesday, 26. September 2023

    Thomas Gasser mit Breakthrough Prize in Life Science 2024 ausgezeichnet

    Thomas Gasser is a member of the Leopoldina since 2018 in the section Neurosciences.

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  • Christiane Bruns

    Tuesday, 19. September 2023

    Christiane Bruns ist neue Präsidentin der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie

    Christiane J. Bruns is a member of the Leopoldina since 2018 in the section Chirurgie, Orthopädie und Anästhesiologie.

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  • Wednesday, 12. July 2023

    Zahnmediziner Reinhard Hickel mit Bundesverdienstkreuz ausgezeichnet

    Reinhard Hickel is a member of the Leopoldina since 2014 in the section Ophthalmology, Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and Stomatology.

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  • Friday, 30. June 2023

    Cordelia Schmid erhält Körber-Preis für die Europäische Wissenschaft 2023

    Cordelia Schmid is a member of the Leopoldina since 2017 in the section Informatics.

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  • Tuesday, 27. June 2023

    Patrick Cramer ist neuer Präsident der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

    Patrick Cramer is a member of the Leopoldina since 2009 in the section Biochemistry and Biophysics.

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  • Monday, 15. May 2023

    Gerald Haug elected Fellow of the Royal Society

    Gerald H. Haug is a member of the Leopoldina since 2012 in the section Earth Sciences.

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  • Wednesday, 31. May 2023

    Thomas Mettenleiter erhält Goldmedaille der Weltorganisation für Tiergesundheit

    Thomas C. Mettenleiter is a member of the Leopoldina since 2000 in the section Veterinary Medicine.

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  • Friday, 12. May 2023

    Walter Rosenthal ist neuer Präsident der HRK

    Walter Rosenthal is a member of the Leopoldina since 2011 in the section Human Genetics and Molecular Medicine.

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  • Akademie Preise 2020

    Thursday, 08. September 2022

    Ute Frevert wird neue Präsidentin der Max Weber Stiftung

    Ute Frevert is a member of the Leopoldina since 2004 in the section Cultural Sciences.

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  • Wednesday, 22. February 2023

    Karl Deisseroth awarded the 2023 Japan Prize

    Karl Deisseroth is a member of the Leopoldina since 2014 in the section Neurosciences.

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  • Friday, 03. February 2023

    Wolfgang Wick an die Spitze des Wissenschaftsrates gewählt

    Wolfgang Wick is a member of the Leopoldina since 2020 in the section Neurosciences.

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  • Thursday, 02. February 2023

    Gero Miesenböck mit Japan Prize 2023 ausgezeichnet

    Gero Miesenböck is a member of the Leopoldina since 2016 in the section Neurosciences.

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  • Wednesday, 01. February 2023

    Wissenschaftspreis der Hector Stiftung für Christian Haass

    Christian Haass is a member of the Leopoldina since 2003 in the section Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences.

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  • Thursday, 02. February 2023

    Otto-Bayer-Preis geht an Frank Glorius

    Frank Glorius is a member of the Leopoldina since 2021 in the section Chemistry.

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  • Thursday, 13. April 2023

    Advanced Grant des Europäischen Forschungsrates für Frank Glorius

    Frank Glorius is a member of the Leopoldina since 2021 in the section Chemistry.

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  • Thursday, 06. April 2023

    Martin Eilers erhält Advanced Grant des Europäischen Forschungsrates

    Martin Eilers is a member of the Leopoldina since 2015 in the section Biochemistry and Biophysics.

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  • Friday, 27. January 2023

    Ivan Dikic wird mit Louis-Jeantet-Preis für Medizin ausgezeichnet

    Ivan Dikic is a member of the Leopoldina since 2010 in the section Biochemistry and Biophysics.

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  • Thursday, 26. January 2023

    Brenda Schulman mit dem Louis-Jeantet-Preis für Medizin geehrt

    Brenda A. Schulman is a member of the Leopoldina since 2019 in the section Biochemistry and Biophysics.

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  • Friday, 20. January 2023

    Katrin Böhning-Gaese in den Rat für Nachhaltige Entwicklung berufen

    Katrin Böhning-Gaese is a member of the Leopoldina since 2015 in the section Organismic and Evolutionary Biology.

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  • Thursday, 05. January 2023

    Robert Schlögl ist neuer Präsident der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung

    Robert Schlögl is a member of the Leopoldina since 2011 in the section Chemistry.

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  • Monday, 19. December 2022

    Claudia Höbartner erhält Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Preis 2023

    Claudia Höbartner is a member of the Leopoldina since 2022 in the section Biochemistry and Biophysics.

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  • Monday, 12. December 2022

    Stefan Pfister mit Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Preis 2023 ausgezeichnet

    Stefan M. Pfister is a member of the Leopoldina since 2020 in the section Gynäkologie und Pädiatrie.

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  • Monday, 12. December 2022

    Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Preis 2023 für Catharina Stroppel

    Catharina Stroppel is a member of the Leopoldina since 2018 in the section Mathematik.

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  • Friday, 09. December 2022

    Georg Schett erhält den Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Preis 2023

    Georg Schett is a member of the Leopoldina since 2021 in the section Internal Medicine and Dermatology.

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  • Tuesday, 22. November 2022

    Claudia Wiesemann mit Wissenschaftspreis des Landes Niedersachsen geehrt

    Claudia Wiesemann is a member of the Leopoldina since 2021 in the section Philosophy of Science.

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  • Monday, 07. November 2022

    Stefan Pfister erhält Landesforschungspreis Baden-Württemberg

    Stefan M. Pfister is a member of the Leopoldina since 2020 in the section Gynäkologie und Pädiatrie.

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  • Wednesday, 12. October 2022

    Donald Bruce Dingwell erhält Willet G. Miller Medal

    Donald Bruce Dingwell is a member of the Leopoldina since 2017 in the section Earth Sciences.

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  • Tuesday, 11. October 2022

    Ottmar Edenhofer wird Mercator-Professor

    Ottmar Edenhofer is a member of the Leopoldina since 2018 in the section Economics and Empirical Social Sciences.

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  • Friday, 07. October 2022

    Bettina Schöne-Seifert in das International Bioethics Committee (IBC) der UN berufen

    Bettina Schöne-Seifert is a member of the Leopoldina since 2009 in the section Philosophy of Science.

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  • Thursday, 29. September 2022

    Breakthrough Prize 2023 in Life Science für Anthony Hyman

    Anthony Hyman is a member of the Leopoldina since 2021 in the section Genetics/Molecular Biology and Cell Biology.

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  • Friday, 23. September 2022

    Ursula Keller mit Schweizer Wissenschaftspreis ausgezeichnet

    Ursula Keller is a member of the Leopoldina since 2008 in the section Physics.

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  • Wednesday, 31. August 2022

    Stefan Hell in den Orden Pour le mérite gewählt

    Stefan Hell is a member of the Leopoldina since 2013 in the section Physics.

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  • Monday, 15. August 2022

    European Respiratory Society zeichnet Heymut Omran aus

    Heymut Omran is a member of the Leopoldina since 2011 in the section Gynäkologie und Pädiatrie.

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  • Thursday, 21. July 2022

    Ole Holger Petersen awarded Palade Prize 2022

    Ole Holger Petersen is a member of the Leopoldina since 2010 in the section Physiologie und Pharmakologie/Toxikologie.

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  • Friday, 15. July 2022

    Bundesverdienstkreuz für Joachim Mössner

    Joachim Mössner is a member of the Leopoldina since 1999 in the section Internal Medicine and Dermatology.

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  • Tuesday, 12. July 2022

    Anthony Hyman erhält Körber-Preis für die Europäische Wissenschaft 2022

    Anthony Hyman is a member of the Leopoldina since 2021 in the section Genetics/Molecular Biology and Cell Biology.

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  • Tuesday, 14. June 2022

    Christoph M. Schmidt erhält Innovationspreis des Landes NRW

    Christoph M. Schmidt is a member of the Leopoldina since 2020 in the section Economics and Empirical Social Sciences.

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  • Monday, 16. May 2022

    Ernst Jung-Preis für Medizin geht an Ingrid Fleming

    Ingrid Fleming is a member of the Leopoldina since 2016 in the section Physiologie und Pharmakologie/Toxikologie.

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  • Monday, 16. May 2022

    Ralf Bartenschlager mit Ernst Jung-Preis für Medizin ausgezeichnet

    Ralf Bartenschlager is a member of the Leopoldina since 2013 in the section Microbiology and Immunology.

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  • Monday, 16. May 2022

    Andrea Bréard erhält Alexander von Humboldt-Professur

    Andrea Bréard is a member of the Leopoldina since 2021 in the section History of Science and Medicine.

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  • Friday, 29. April 2022

    Ehemaliger Leopoldina-Präsident Jörg Hacker erhält Robert-Koch-Medaille in Gold

    Jörg Hacker is a member of the Leopoldina since 1998 in the section Microbiology and Immunology.

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  • Thursday, 14. April 2022

    Wolfgang Baumjohann ins Präsidium der ÖAW gewählt

    Wolfgang Baumjohann is a member of the Leopoldina since 2010 in the section Earth Sciences.

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  • Thursday, 14. April 2022

    Ulrike Diebold wird Vizepräsidentin der ÖAW

    Ulrike Diebold is a member of the Leopoldina since 2015 in the section Chemistry.

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  • Wednesday, 16. March 2022

    Carl Friedrich von Siemens-Forschungspreis für Julian Schroeder

    Julian Schroeder is a member of the Leopoldina since 2017 in the section Genetics/Molecular Biology and Cell Biology.

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  • Friday, 25. February 2022

    Ferenc Krausz erhält den Wolf-Preis in Physik

    Ferenc Krausz is a member of the Leopoldina since 2016 in the section Physics.

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  • Tuesday, 25. January 2022

    Bernhard Nebel wird Fellow der Association for Computing Machinery

    Bernhard Nebel is a member of the Leopoldina since 2009 in the section Informatics.

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  • Thursday, 20. January 2022

    Michael Kaschke ist neuer Präsident des Stifterverbandes

    Michael Kaschke is a member of the Leopoldina since 2021 in the section Engineering Sciences.

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  • Wednesday, 19. January 2022

    Bernt Schiele zum Fellow der ACM ernannt

    Bernt Schiele is a member of the Leopoldina since 2021 in the section Informatics.

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  • Wednesday, 19. January 2022

    Thomas Lengauer zum ACM Fellow ernannt

    Thomas Lengauer is a member of the Leopoldina since 2003 in the section Informatics.

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  • Wednesday, 19. January 2022

    Asifa Akhtar erhält Christa-Šerić-Geiger-Preis

    Asifa Akhtar is a member of the Leopoldina since 2019 in the section Biochemistry and Biophysics.

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  • Monday, 17. January 2022

    Andreas J. Bäumler erhält Robert-Koch-Preis 2021

    Andreas J. Bäumler is a member of the Leopoldina since 2020 in the section Microbiology and Immunology.

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  • Thursday, 09. December 2021

    Stefanie Dehnen mit Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Preis ausgezeichnet

    Stefanie Dehnen is a member of the Leopoldina since 2020 in the section Chemistry.

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  • Tuesday, 26. October 2021

    Antje Boetius mit Preis der Klüh-Stiftung ausgezeichnet

    Antje Boetius is a member of the Leopoldina since 2009 in the section Earth Sciences.

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  • Thursday, 21. October 2021

    Heinrich-Wieland-Preis 2021 für Immunologen Thomas Boehm

    Thomas Boehm is a member of the Leopoldina since 2002 in the section Human Genetics and Molecular Medicine.

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  • Friday, 08. October 2021

    Gerhard Weikum mit Konrad-Zuse-Medaille ausgezeichnet

    Gerhard Weikum is a member of the Leopoldina since 2018 in the section Informatics.

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  • Monday, 04. October 2021

    Dieter Oesterhelt mit Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award ausgezeichnet

    Dieter Oesterhelt is a member of the Leopoldina since 1989 in the section Biochemistry and Biophysics.

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  • Monday, 04. October 2021

    Peter Hegemann erhält den Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award

    Peter Hegemann is a member of the Leopoldina since 2012 in the section Biochemistry and Biophysics.

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  • Monday, 04. October 2021

    Lars P. Feld erhält den Gustav-Stolper-Preis 2021

    Lars P. Feld is a member of the Leopoldina since 2008 in the section Economics and Empirical Social Sciences.

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  • Friday, 24. September 2021

    Jörg Hacker erhält Verdienstorden des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt

    Jörg Hacker is a member of the Leopoldina since 1998 in the section Microbiology and Immunology.

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  • Wednesday, 15. September 2021

    Alessandra Buonanno mit dem Balzan Preis 2021 geehrt

    Alessandra Buonanno is a member of the Leopoldina since 2021 in the section Physics.

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  • Thursday, 02. September 2021

    Andreas von Deimling erhält International Prize for Translational Neuroscience

    Andreas von Deimling is a member of the Leopoldina since 2017 in the section Pathologie und Rechtsmedizin.

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  • Friday, 27. August 2021

    Katrin Böhning-Gaese mit dem Deutschen Umweltpreis 2021 ausgezeichnet

    Katrin Böhning-Gaese is a member of the Leopoldina since 2015 in the section Organismic and Evolutionary Biology.

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  • HPI, Digital Health Cluster, Prof. Lothar Heinz Wieler

    Monday, 16. August 2021

    Lothar H. Wieler mit der Albrecht-von-Graefe-Medaille geehrt

    Lothar Heinz Wieler is a member of the Leopoldina since 2010 in the section Global Health.

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  • Friday, 06. August 2021

    Christian Drosten mit Berliner Wissenschaftspreis ausgezeichnet

    Christian Drosten is a member of the Leopoldina since 2021 in the section Microbiology and Immunology.

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  • Wednesday, 28. July 2021

    Matin Qaim zum Präsidenten der IAAE gewählt

    Matin Qaim is a member of the Leopoldina since 2018 in the section Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences.

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  • Friday, 16. July 2021

    Jürgen Heinze erhält die Karl-Ritter-von-Frisch-Medaille 2021

    Jürgen Heinze is a member of the Leopoldina since 2004 in the section Organismic and Evolutionary Biology.

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  • Friday, 09. July 2021

    Andreas Voßkuhle ist neuer Vizepräsident der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft

    Andreas Voßkuhle is a member of the Leopoldina since 2018 in the section Cultural Sciences.

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  • Thursday, 08. July 2021

    Maria Leptin wird neue Präsidentin des Europäischen Forschungsrates

    Maria Leptin is a member of the Leopoldina since 2016 in the section Biochemistry and Biophysics.

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  • Wednesday, 23. June 2021

    Karl Leo mit dem Europäischen Erfinderpreis geehrt

    Karl Leo is a member of the Leopoldina since 2004 in the section Physics.

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  • Thursday, 17. June 2021

    Reinhard Genzel ist neuer Vizekanzler des Ordens Pour le mérite

    Reinhard Genzel is a member of the Leopoldina since 2002 in the section Physics.

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  • Friday, 11. June 2021

    Hermann Parzinger zum Kanzler des Orden Pour le mérite gewählt

    Hermann Parzinger is a member of the Leopoldina since 2011 in the section Cultural Sciences.

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  • Wednesday, 09. June 2021

    Hans Joachim Schellnhuber erhält Verdienstorden der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

    Hans Joachim Schellnhuber is a member of the Leopoldina since 2007 in the section Physics.

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  • Tuesday, 01. June 2021

    Katja Becker zur Vorsitzenden des Global Research Councils gewählt

    Katja Becker is a member of the Leopoldina since 2009 in the section Microbiology and Immunology.

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