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The National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina maintains departments and a business office. The departments Presidential Office, Science - Politics - Society, International Relations, Press and Public Relations and Centre for Science Studies report to the President. The main office with the Office of the Secretary-General, Administration, Archive, Library and Fellowship Program is headed by the Secretary-General. You may search for staff members below.

112 Employees
  • Science – Policy – Society

    Dr. Christian Anton

    Scientific Officer, Department Science - Policy - Society

    fon  0345 47 239 - 861 email christian.anton(at)leopoldina.org
    Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Presidential Office

    PD Dr. Stefan Artmann

    Head of Presidential Office

    fon  0345 47 239 - 863 email stefan.artmann(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 030 - 241 8987 - 477 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Press and Public Relations

    Anja Baran

    Website Editor Press and Public Relations

    fon  0345 47 239 - 803 email anja.baran(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 47 239 - 809 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Centre for Science Studies

    Luise Beddies

    Assistant of the Centre for Science Studies

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 119 email luise.beddies(at)leopoldina.org
    Address Emil-Abderhalden-Str. 36 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Office of the Secretary-General

    Dr. Jörg Beineke

    Senior Scientific Coordinator

    fon  0345 47 239 - 954 email joerg.beineke(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 47 239 - 919 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Centre for Science Studies

    Lucy Betke

    Database Curator of the Centre for Science Studies

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 154 email lucy.betke(at)leopoldina.org
    Address Emil-Abderhalden-Str. 36 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Office of the Secretary-General

    Dagmar Bieberle

    Elections Office

    fon  0345 47 239 - 113 email dagmar.bieberle(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 47 239 - 139 Address Emil-Abderhalden-Str. 37 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Science – Policy – Society

    Dr. Stefanie Bohley

    Scientific Officer, Department Science - Policy - Society

    fon  0345 47 239 - 877 email stefanie.bohley(at)leopoldina.org
    Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Administration

    Doreen Brandt


    fon  0345 47 239 - 956 email doreen.brandt(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 47 239 - 930 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Science – Policy – Society

    Dr. Constanze Breuer

    Scientific Officer, Department Science - Policy - Society

    fon  0345 47 239 - 872 email constanze.breuer(at)leopoldina.org
    Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Office of the Secretary-General

    Anja Brückner

    Elections Office

    fon  0345 47 239 - 114 email anja.brueckner(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 47 239 - 139 Address Emil-Abderhalden-Str. 37 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • International Relations

    Lucian Brujan

    Senior Officer, Department International Relations

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 836 email lucian.brujan(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 838 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Administration

    Daniela Büchner


    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 938 email katja.gebhardt(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 930 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Fellowship Programme

    PD Dr. Andreas Clausing

    Coordinator of the Fellowship Programme

    fon  0345 47 239 - 150 email andreas.clausing(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 47 239 - 139 Address Emil-Abderhalden-Str. 37 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Centre for Science Studies

    Dr. Christiane Diehl

    Scientific Officer, Focus on “International Science Diplomacy Research”

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 138 email christiane.diehl(at)leopoldina.org
    Address Emil-Abderhalden-Str. 36 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Administration

    Lukas Diehn

    Trainee IT Specialist for System Integration

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 974 email lukas.diehn(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 345 - 47 239 - 930 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Office of the Secretary-General

    Lena Diekmann

    Scientific Officer, Presidential Office

    fon  0170 - 79 206 49 email lena.diekmann(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 030 - 241 8987 - 477 Address Reinhardtstraße 16 | 10117 Berlin
  • Centre for Science Studies

    Lisa Eggert

    Scientific Officer, Focus on Digital Humanities, Deputy Equal Opportunities Officer

    fon  0345 - 472 39 - 117 email lisa.eggert(at)leopoldina.org
    Address Emil-Abderhalden-Str. 36 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Administration

    Dirk Fischer


    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 922 email dirk.fischer(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 930 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Administration

    Franziska Franz-Dörnbrack

    Building Technology

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 155 email franziska.franz-doernbrack(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 139 Address Emil-Abderhalden-Str. 35 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Presidential Office

    Jana Friedrich

    Secretary Presidential Office, Equal Opportunities Officer

    fon  030 - 241 8987 - 472 email jana.friedrich(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 030 - 241 8987 - 477 Address Unter den Linden 42 | 10117 Berlin
  • Presidential Office

    Dr. Johannes Fritsch

    Head of Office of the Joint Committee for the Handling of Security-Relevant Research

    fon  0160 9121 2676 email johannes.fritsch(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 030 - 241 8987 - 477 Address Reinhardtstraße 16 | 10117 Berlin
  • Administration

    Markus Fritz


    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 924 email markus.fritz(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 930 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Editorial Office

    Dr. Renko Geffarth

    Editorial Manager

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 146 email renko.geffarth(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 139 Address Emil-Abderhalden-Str. 37 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Office of the Secretary-General

    Peggy Glasowski

    Assistant to the Secretary General

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 912 email peggy.glasowski(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 919 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Administration

    Stephanie Göllner

    Budget/Travel Expenses

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 916 email stephanie.goellner(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 930 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Administration

    Diana Große


    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 937 email diana.grosse(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 930 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Centre for Science Studies

    Salina Grünwald

    Database Curator

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 153 email salina.gruenwald(at)leopoldina.org
    Address Emil-Abderhalden-Str. 36 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Administration

    Christian Günther

    Head of IT

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 973 email christian.guenther(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 930 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Archive and Library

    Dr. Julia Hamelmann


    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 121 email julia.hamelmann(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 149 Address Emil-Abderhalden-Str. 35 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Presidential Office

    Prof. (ETHZ) Dr. Gerald Haug

    XXVII. President of the Leopoldina

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 914 email praesident(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 030 - 241 8987 - 477 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Office of the Secretary-General

    Norman Heenemann (currently absent)

    Scientific Officer to the Secretary-General

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 920 email norman.heenemann(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 919 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Science – Policy – Society

    Henrik Hofmeister

    Graphic designe

    fon  030 203 89 97 - 418 email henrik.hofmeister(at)leopoldina.org
    Address Reinhardtstraße 16 | 10117 Berlin
  • Science – Policy – Society

    Christina Hohlbein

    Assistant of the Department Science – Policy – Society

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 876 email christina.hohlbein(at)leopoldina.org
    Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Archive and Library

    Susanne Horn


    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 125 email susanne.horn(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 149 Address Emil-Abderhalden-Str. 35 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Office of the Secretary-General

    Franziska Hornig

    Secretary-General, Head of the Leopoldina Office

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 952 email generalsekretariat(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 919 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Press and Public Relations

    Tobias Hüser


    fon  030 -241 8987 - 478 email Tobias.Hueser(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 472 39 - 809 Address Unter den Linden 42 | 10117 Berlin
  • Administration

    Lars-Peter Jakob

    Head of Finances

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 957 email l-p.jakob(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 930 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Administration

    Caroline Jänicke


    fon  0345 47 239 - 921 email caroline.jaenicke(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 47 239 - 930 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Administration

    Frank Junghanns

    Head of Technology and Estates

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 165 email frank.junghanns(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 930 Address Emil-Abderhalden-Str. 35 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Editorial Office

    Dr. Joachim Kaasch

    Editor NAL/AHL

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 135 email kaasch(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 139 Address Emil-Abderhalden-Str. 37 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Editorial Office

    Dr. Michael Kaasch

    Editor NAL/AHL

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 134 email kaasch(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 139 Address Emil-Abderhalden-Str. 37 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Administration

    Carola Kautecky

    Service staff

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 996 email carola.kautecky(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 930 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Presidential Office

    Sabine Kettenmann

    Assistant to the President

    fon  030 - 241 8987 - 471 email sabine.kettenmann(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 030 - 241 8987 - 477 Address Unter den Linden 42 | 10117 Berlin
  • International Relations

    Stefanie Kirsch

    Assistant, Department International Relations

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 866 email stefanie.kirsch(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 838 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Press and Public Relations

    Julia Klabuhn

    Acting Head of the Department Press and Public Relations

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 800 email julia.klabuhn(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 809 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Science – Policy – Society

    Julia Klaus

    Secretary of the Department Science - Policy - Society

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 865 email julia.klaus(at)leopoldina.org
    Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Archive and Library

    Toni Klisch


    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 123 email toni.klisch(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 149 Address Emil-Abderhalden-Str. 35 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Archive and Library

    Dr. Bernhard Kölbl


    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 142 email bernhard.koelbl(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 149 Address August-Bebel-Str. 50a | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Science – Policy – Society

    Elmar König

    Head of Department Science – Policy – Society, Head of Berlin Office

    fon  030 203 8997 - 865 email elmar.koenig(at)leopoldina.org
    Address Unter den Linden 42 | 10117 Berlin
  • Centre for Science Studies

    Dr. Sandra König

    Scientific Employee

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 131 email sandra.koenig(at)leopoldina.org
    Address Emil-Abderhalden-Str. 36 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Archive and Library

    Robert Koszellni

    Research Assistant / Administrator

    fon  0345 47 239 - 152 email robert.koszellni(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 47 239 - 149 Address August-Bebel-Str. 50a | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • International Relations

    Dr. Kathrin Kraller

    Scientific Officer, Department International Relations

    fon  030 - 203 8997 - 430 email kathrin.kraller(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 838 Address Reinhardtstraße 16 | 10117 Berlin
  • Administration

    Franziska Kraske

    Budget/Travel Expenses

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 926 email franziska.kraske(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 930 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Presidential Office

    Dr. Anita Krätzner-Ebert

    Scientific Officer of the Joint Committee for the Handling of Security-Relevant Research

    fon  0175 - 2933935 email anita.kraetzner-ebert(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 030 - 241 8987 - 477 Address Reinhardtstraße 16 | 10117 Berlin
  • Administration

    Annett Kretzschmar


    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 939 email annett.kretzschmar(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 930 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Presidential Office

    Dr. Sandra Kumm

    Senior Scientific Coordinator

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 913 email sandra.kumm(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 030 - 241 8987 - 477 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Administration

    Alexander Kurby

    Facility Management

    fon  0345 47 239 - 994 email alexander.kurby(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 47 239 - 839 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Administration

    Nora Küster-Dammaschke

    Head of Department Administration

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 925 email nora.kuester-dammaschke(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 930 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Administration

    Thomas Kutscher


    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 918 email thomas.kutscher(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 139 Address Emil-Abderhalden-Str. 35 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Presidential Office

    Anne Lange

    Senior Scientific Coordinator

    fon  0345 47 239 - 880 email anne.lange(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 030 - 241 8987 - 477 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Office of the Secretary-General

    Susanne Lehmann

    Personal Assistant to the Secretary General

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 952 email susanne.lehmann(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 919 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Administration

    Maximilian Leinweber

    Trainee IT Specialist for System Integration

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 975 email maximilian.leinweber(at)leopoldina.ord
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 930 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Centre for Science Studies

    Oliver Mahrle

    Scientific Employee

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 116 email oliver.mahrle(at)leopoldina.org
    Address Emil-Abderhalden-Str. 35 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Administration

    Roland Maletz

    Facility Management

      email roland.maletz(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 930 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Press and Public Relations

    Patrick Melzer

    Website Editor Press and Public Relations

    fon  0345 47 239 - 806 email patrick.melzer(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 47 239 - 809 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Administration

    Katja Meyer


    fon  0345 47 239 - 927 email katja.meyer(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 47 239 - 930 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Archive and Library

    Alexandra Muckert


    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 144 email alexandra.muckert(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 149 Address August-Bebel-Str. 50a | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • International Relations

    Dr. Ruth Narmann

    Head of International Relations Department

    fon  030 - 241 8987 - 473 email ruth.narmann(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 838 Address Unter den Linden 42 | 10117 Berlin
  • Press and Public Relations

    Ramona Oehring


    fon  0345 47 239 - 800 email ramona.oehring(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 47 239 - 809 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Press and Public Relations

    Lisa Osterburg


    fon  0345 47 239 - 807 email lisa.osterburg(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 47 239 - 809 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Archive and Library

    Romy Petzold


    fon  0345 47 239 - 143 email romy.petzold(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 47 239 - 149 Address August-Bebel-Str. 50a | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • International Relations

    Dr. Thomas Plötze

    Senior Officer, Department International Relations

    fon  0345 - 472 39 - 834 email thomas.ploetze(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 838 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Archive and Library

    Stefanie Poster


    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 145 email stefanie.poster(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 149 Address August-Bebel-Str. 50a | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Administration

    Katrin Pulze


    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 917 email katrin.pulze(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 930 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Archive and Library

    Barbara Rabenau


    fon  0345 47 239 - 141 email barbara.rabenau(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 47 239 - 149 Address August-Bebel-Str. 50a | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Administration

    Ralf Reinhardt

    Facility Management

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 992 email ralf.reinhardt(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 930 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Centre for Science Studies

    Dr. Petra Rentrop-Koch

    Scientific Employee

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 133 email petra.rentrop-koch(at)leopoldina.org
    Address Emil-Abderhalden-Str. 36 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Presidential Office

    Katharina Richter

    Assistant to the President

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 915 email katharina.richter(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 030 - 241 8987 - 477 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Presidential Office

    Annegret Ruprecht

    Assistant to the President

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 914 email annegret.ruprecht(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 030 - 241 8987 - 477 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • International Relations

    Isabel Scheer

    Assistant, Department International Relations

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 874 email isabel.scheer(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 838 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Science – Policy – Society

    Claudia Schmidt

    Scientific Officer, Department Science - Policy - Society

    fon  0345 47 239 - 878 email claudia.schmidt(at)leopoldina.org
    Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Administration

    Gina Schmidt

    Travel Expenses

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 923 email gina.schmidt(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 930 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Office of the Secretary-General

    Katharina Schmidt

    Head of Event Management

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 832 email katharina.schmidt(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 919 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Science – Policy – Society

    Johannes Schmoldt

    Senior Officer, Department International Relations

    fon  0345 47 239 - 873 email johannes.schmoldt(at)leopoldina.org
    Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Science – Policy – Society

    Corinna Scholz

    Assistant of the Department Science – Policy – Society

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 867 email corinna.scholz(at)leopoldina.org
    Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Press and Public Relations

    Tina Schwarz (currently absent)

    Website Editor Press and Public Relations

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 803 email tina.schwarz(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 809 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Office of the Secretary-General

    Doreen Seidel

    Assistant to the Secretary General

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 953 email doreen.seidel(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 919 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Centre for Science Studies

    Dr. Aisling Shalvey

    Scientific Employee

    fon  0345 - 472 39 - 153 email aisling.shalvey(at)leopoldina.org
    Address Emil-Abderhalden-Str. 36 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Centre for Science Studies

    Ronja Steffensky

    Acting Head of Department Centre for Science Studies

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 118 email ronja.steffensky(at)leopoldina.org
    Address Emil-Abderhalden-Str. 36 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • International Relations

    Dr. Saskia Steiger

    Senior Officer, Department International Relations

    fon  030 - 203 8997 - 432 email saskia.steiger(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 838 Address Reinhardtstraße 16 | 10117 Berlin
  • International Relations

    Diego Steinhöfel

    Scientific Officer, Department International Relations

    fon  030 - 203 8997 - 430 email diego.steinhoefel(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 838 Address Reinhardtstraße 16 | 10117 Berlin
  • Science – Policy – Society

    Dr. Henning Steinicke

    Scientific officer, Deputy Head of Department Science – Policy – Society

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 864 email henning.steinicke(at)leopoldina.org
    Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Centre for Science Studies

    Lisa Stolz

    Scientific Employee

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 156 email lisa.stolz(at)leopoldina.org
    Address Emil-Abderhalden-Str. 36 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • International Relations

    Annika Ströfer

    Assistant, Department International Relations

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 833 email annika.stroefer(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 838 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Administration

    Anke Strützel


    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 196 email anke.struetzel(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 930 Address Emil-Abderhalden-Str. 35 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Archive and Library

    Judith Sundermann


    fon  0345 47 239 - 148 email judith.sundermann(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 47 239 - 149 Address August-Bebel-Str. 50a | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Office of the Secretary-General

    Rebecca Taubert

    Scientific Officer to the Secretary-General

    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 920 email rebecca.taubert(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 919 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Administration

    Torsten Thielemann

    Facility Management

      email torsten.thielemann(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 930 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Administration

    Felix Tränkner


    fon  0345 - 47 239 - 929 email felix.traenkner(at)leopoldina.org
    fax 0345 - 47 239 - 930 Address Jägerberg 1 | 06108 Halle (Saale)

Equal Opportunities at the Leopoldina

The Equal Opportunities Commissioner is involved in all measures relating to gender equality, work-life balance and protection against sexual harassment in the workplace.

Nutzung von großen Sprachmodellen

Mit dem Aufkommen frei verfügbarer Texterstellungswerkzeuge wie ChatGPT von OpenAI hat die Leopoldina Leitlinien zum Umgang mit diesen Modellen erstellt. Diese Leitlinien gelten für alle Publikationen, die von der Leopoldina veröffentlicht werden.