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Neue Suche

Prof. Dr.

Vlastislav Cerveny

Wahljahr: 1986
Sektion: Geowissenschaften
Stadt: Prag
Land: Tschechische Republik


Vlastislav Cerveny contributed considerably to theoretical geophysics, particularly to the seismic wave propagation in complex laterally varying Earth's interior. He has spent his entire career at Charles University in Prague, where he founded a well renowned group working in this field. His long-term stays at respectable world universities have led to fruitful collaboration with seismologists around the world. He made major contributions to seismic wave propagation in inhomogeneous, isotropic and anisotropic media, including the singular regions. He has been one of the founders of the high-frequency asymptotic methods in the computation of seismic wave fields, of the seismic ray method, of the paraxial ray method and of the method of Gaussian beams.




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